Workshop Materials/Presentations:
Workshop 1 Overview:
Workshop 1 included the initial meeting of the Operations Committee, and brought together 18 Focus Groups over two days. The workshop provided an introduction to the Master Plan process, and workshop participants took part in group discussions about the Preliminary Planning Objectives, Strategic Needs & Planning Challenges, and Strategic/Philosophical Questions. Participants also engaged in interactive planning exercises (SWOT mapping) to identify campus planning issues as observed by a diverse cross-section of the campus population.
Master Plan Overview:
The University of Arizona 2020 Master Plan should optimize the growth and development of the physical/functional campus in response to the University’s Strategic Plan priorities – anticipating future trends and priorities while providing the flexibility to adapt to continuous change. The overall objective is to develop specific, action-oriented, cross-cutting physical planning initiatives that directly support the University’s highest-priority Strategic Plan goals and initiatives.
Preliminary Planning Objectives:
Develop a true urban environment to effectively accommodate higher densities of academic, research and community outreach facilities in appropriate areas of the campus.
Campus Gateways
Reinvent campus gateways and approaches to maximize UA branding, wayfinding, community engagement and density benefits.
Campus Edges
Develop collaborative growth concepts and development processes with the City and surrounding neighborhoods, to facilitate appropriate growth strategies at the campus edges.
Interdisciplinary Zones
Develop academic, research and partnership collaboration clusters, both on and off campus, to facilitate interdisciplinary Strategic Plan initiatives.
Maximize the positive impacts of strategic, corporate and public-private partnerships potentially located on and off campus.
Develop a comprehensive campus sustainability plan, with intermediate milestones, to produce measurable improvements such as net-zero carbon production by 2040.
Develop a comprehensive utility/transportation infrastructure plan to efficiently lower maintenance/utility costs, improve reliability, and support campus growth.
Academic & Research Planning
Facilitate innovative, high-quality classrooms, labs and work spaces to optimize student learning and collaborative research, in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
Composite Plan
Assemble all of the potential solutions to the challenges addressed through the planning objectives above into a comprehensive, adaptable, graphic Campus Master Plan to encourage new synergies and guide future campus growth and development.
Strategic Needs and Planning Challenges
Need to increase campus population and space capacity to support growth while Addressing fixed campus planning boundaries and limited traffic/parking capacities
Need to increase campus density to accommodate enrollment and research growth while Maintaining and improving campus quality, culture, wayfinding and open areas
Need to integrate and engage students with near-campus or on-campus housing while Mitigating impacts of traffic, parking, urban density and student conduct/safety
Need to encourage success and growth of interdisciplinary program opportunities while Working within or expanding campus infrastructure and planning boundaries
Need to plan for interdisciplinary zones for high-priority academic & research programs while Providing flexibility to adapt to new ideas and opportunities as they emerge
Need for improved community engagement & outreach while Accommodating neighborhood needs for buffers/separation at campus edges
Need to bring private/corporate partners onto or near campus while Keeping core Main Campus areas available for critical UA facilities growth
Need to improve campus gateways and approaches, and their visibility and branding while Addressing campus space needs and planning boundary concerns
Need to plan and improve long-term campus sustainability and resiliency while Controlling short-term capital infrastructure costs and needs
Strategic/Philosophical Questions
What is the University’s potential/anticipated enrollment growth?
What is anticipated on- and off-campus research growth? What types of research space?
What are appropriate programs/facilities for on-campus vs. off-campus growth?
What private/corporate partners should be considered for an on-campus presence?
What approaches might be appropriate regarding the University planning boundaries?
What future buildings should be interdisciplinary vs. single-purpose?
What types of housing should be located on-campus vs. off-campus in privatized housing?
What specific new strategic initiatives or priorities should we plan for?